Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Being alone....you don't have to be lonely

Missed a blog yesterday. I was not in the hospital, but I was kind of bed ridden. I can’t get to the computer from my bed any more than from the hospital. It’s just more frustrating because I can see the computer complete with the Internet from the bed. It couldn’t be helped though. My legs and feet were so swollen, even with taking meds, that my toes were blue. Not a good thing. So it was stay in bed with my feet up and ice packs on them to reduce the swelling. They are much better today, thank goodness. However the feet have only been part of the problem; I’ve had a fever, my insides have not been behaving themselves and I’ve been dizzy and just plain feeling cruddy. Tonight I’ve been by myself and to be honest it’s a little scary. I’m not scared of someone breaking in or something like that. I live in a neighborhood that’s pretty safe, have good locks, one good size dog that stays at my side, and one very large dog that lays by the front door so I’m pretty safe. Besides my being home alone is infrequent and erratic so nobody knows for sure when I'll be home alone which also contributes to my safety. What I get scared of is getting sick (I can get sick pretty fast) or falling and not being able to get help or even getting sick enough that I can’t take care of myself. I try to keep my cell phone on me but if I call 911 and can’t get the dogs put in a room, will the dogs let the EMTs help me and what will they do if that happens. I don’t like being a worrywart, but sometimes when I’m not feeling well and I’m alone it creeps up on me. This is when having the equipment to check blood pressure, blood sugar, temperature and to some extent my breathing comes in handy. I checked them all and they were all ok. Start to feel better. Next comes reminding myself how close help is and how willing help is to come and rescue me. Feeling even better. Next I call a friend who understands and talk and talk and talk. Now I can make it through the night feeling better. It helps to have more than one friend so if one is not available someone else might be. Everybody has their own lives. I did continue to take care of myself by going on facebook and catching up with my friends there. While I’m doing that I’m listening to Verdi’s Requiem. I saw it performed by the Atlanta Symphony and it was WONDERFUL. Listening to it brings back many treasured memories. Now the evening is becoming quite pleasant. Last thing I’m going to do tonight is finishing today’s blog and putting up some of my favorite pictures. Good night all, have a pleasant evening.

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