Monday, June 21, 2010

New Knees

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, but I've been trying to get ready to go into the hospital to get my left knee replaced.  They aren't going to have to use any anesthesia on me; I'm going to pass out from exhaustion.  I never realized how many little things and a few big thing need to be done to get ready for this kind of surgery.  Everything from moving furniture so I can get everywhere in the house with my walker to making sure I have clothing that will go over the bandages.  All the while trying to stay healthy and rested.  I did stay healthy but the rested part is in serious question.  Oh well I'll be getting plenty of rest soon as long as the pain level stays low enough.  Sigh !!
Tom, my sweetie will keep you posted on my recovery until I'm able to so keep on coming back even if there are no photos for awhile.
I would also appreciate your thoughts and prayers as I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. Thanks.
This experience has given me a whole new perspective on life and taught me alot about myself and what I am capable of .  I'll go into more detail later but for now I'll leave you with some pictures I took from a different perspective; from the sunroof of my car.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good luck and a speedy recovery! I hope you're up and taking photos again soon!

Zuzana said...

I hope your operation will go well, but I am sure it will.;) I understand your anguish, hospitals have that effect on everyone.;)
My prayer and thoughts are with you dear friend,

Anonymous said...

Get well soon...God bless you