Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Home again AEDM day 9

Home again- Home again- jiggity jig            This little nursery rhyme keeps going through my head.  I am so glad to be home. The Internet at the hospital worked real well for the first days of my hospital stay, Monday night it started to get flaky, and Tuesday I got warnings about possible damage to my computer, so no more  Internet for me.  It did give me a chance to do some sketching.  I really needed the distraction and for me drawing is a real good distraction.   I am always amazed at how exhausting being discharged from the hospital is and how wonderful it is to be home.  There are so many things that are so much nicer at home.  Little things that in your day to day life you take for granted.  They would not let me shower at he hospital for fear of my getting my IV wet, so coming home and taking a nice long hot shower was sheer heaven.  I now have my familiar chair and my dogs at my feet.  Then add family and the familiar rhythms that go with daily life and wonderful, wonderful feelings.

Hope you enjoy seeing my little doodles,  Creative Every Day  has it right that fitting art and creativity in your life can greatly enhance your life.  I'm glad to have committed to do some art everyday even with difficulties to overcome and in overcoming the difficulties getting the blessing.                 Enjoy     ☺☺☺Johnina☺☺☺

1 comment:

ann @ studiohyde said...

Hope you are feeling much better Johnina, did the hospital discover what was wrong, or was it purely dehydration! Anyways, nice to see you back with your sketching. best wishes, ann.