Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mom's Day garden 2010


Every year my family plants a flower garden for me by the front door.  This year it got planted early and I have flowers blooming for Mother's Day.  Every time I come home and see my flowers blooming it makes my heart light.  It's a wonderful greeting upon coming home and always reminds me that my family loves me.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Beautiful garden -- lovely range of photos -- is that a wine bottle in it? Happy Mom's Day to you!

young-eclectic-encounters said...

No it's not a wine bottle. It's a family joke; it's actually a root beer bottle. Back when my kids were teenagers policemen would on a regular basis pull over teens drinking from this particular brand of root beer and since that is what our family drinks in a town where every soda is a 'coke' (Coke's headquarters are in Atlanta) it became a family joke about you'd better not be drinking and driving and somehow the bottle ended up in the garden as a reminder on the way out.
Johnina :^D
P.S. I don't even know what alcoholic beverages taste like; never had one. Hopefully the same applies to my kids.