Saturday, March 6, 2010

Scene at a stop sign

I don't usually take pictures at stop signs because it is more dangerous than at stop lights, but this was a very long line with very long lines coming from each direction. This is an old plantation house that has been restored and since it has been restored I decided to do an antique edit to show how the house might have looked before it was restored. The house peeking out from the winter trees just gave me that type of feeling. The white on the trees is not snow however; it is from where the peacocks have roasted and peeled off the bark. I really like being able to go by this house so often (almost every time I go into town) it has been beautifully restored especially when viewed from the front. It is on some historical site list complete with sign out in front. I was pleased with this unusual view that I got from photographing it from the side and in the winter. It gave the house a whole different personality than the traditional front view.

Photo notes: Picasa 3 for basic editing- crop, color correcting and filtered B&W
Photoscape for antique filter

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