Saturday, March 5, 2011

Favorite trees

This is one of my favorite trees.  It stands in the corner of the neighbors yard and I see it almost every time I go out my front door.  It is a tree whose limbs have a lot of character; some are straight and some twisted.  The bark has a lot of color to it from many different shades of light gray and green from the lichen to the many shades of brown from the bark.  These show up real well in the winter.  This tree is the first to bud and bloom in the spring and with the flowers on it and it's bent limb it looks like it is waving Hello to me as I walk out my door.  What a nice springtime greeting.
Johnina :^D

1 comment:

Zuzana said...

Truly a beautiful tree - is it blooming right now? I wonder what kind it is.
Have a lovely spring weekend,

PS: Like your new look here.;)