Thursday, September 8, 2011

Oh no- fall begins in Georgia

In the last couple of days it has become obvious that autumn is getting a head start this year in Georgia.  In the last couple of days I've had to locate my jacket, turn off the air conditioner because the house was to cold with it on, and this morning I was able to open the windows so I could check out the heater and make sure it worked.  Every year when it starts to get cool at night we turn on the heat to make sure it works and to make sure any dust accumulated in the system during the summer is gone.  I hate that first time start up smell.  I would also be very unhappy if we needed it one night and it didn't work.  We've lived in this house for over 20 years now with the same heat pump.  The last time we had to have the air-conditioner part of it fixed, we were told they don't even make parts for our heat pump anymore.  Happy to say it works wonderfully.  I really don't want to have to replace it right now.
I am enjoying the cooler weather especially in the morning when I walk the dog and work in the garden.  I am really getting excited about planting my fall perennials, clearing out and changing around my gardens.  I am not looking forward to the leaves falling and this has already started.
This picture was taken in my front yard this morning.  Amazingly the photo above is the same photo as the photo at the top of this post.  I am still learning the nuances of Photoscape and having lots of fun.  I have been organizing my photos and in doing so  I have discovered that I do not feel that a photo is finished until I either put a frame around it or do some kind of art editing to it.  Discovery # 1 in my journey to decide what direction to take my art.
Please remember the giveaway of the book Creative Awakenings. I am working on my journal and will shortly have some photos of my progress.  Click here for details.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's hard to believe they're the same photo -- cool techniques!

Lolit C said...

Great shots Johnina. I love both images, original and edited. I love seeing falling leaves... altho on pictures only. One time a friend from the US sent me a maple leaf in a greeting card and I love it. Godbless!

carmilevy said...

Wickedly cool, Johnina! I'm pretty lacking on the post-production side: I've been building my knowledge of Aperture since getting my Mac a few months ago, but I tend to stick to lighter editing and run out of capability on the more involved stuff. Thankfully, you're here to show us the way: I love how you've shown the same scene in such a radically different manner. Major eye-opener on a season that begs for multiple perspectives.