Friday, June 11, 2010

Very unusual

Yesterday was one of those days where I very tired and it was hard to stay awake.  However the day before was even worse.  Every time I sat down I would drift off, but even with that I still edited pictures, wrote my blog, and did all kinds of little things.  Yesterday was better but I gave in and unusual for me spent my awake time just watching TV.  I almost never watch TV without doing something else.  Yesterday I just laid on the couch alternating cold packs and heating pads and just watched.  I watched Burn Notice and Bones reruns even, just something I enjoy but kind of a brain drain.  Nice thing though, was I also had Kenneth Branagh in Hamlet (see above).  It had arrived a few days earlier from Netflix.  Shakespeare is a little hard to watch and keep track of if I am distracted at all and even at that I still have to watch in sections so I can digest what has happened and then go on.  This version is 4 hours long but it is my favorite.  When a movie combines Shakespeare and Kenneth Branagh I just know it is going to be great.  I had forgotten how many great quotes have come from Hamlet.   I thoroughly enjoyed yesterday and did it guilt-free.

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