Saturday, July 16, 2011


Jack Benny rose and spider guest
On a rainy day

Jack Benny rose and spider guest
On a rainy day
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 It was drizzling outside but it had also cooled things off a great deal. What a relief! Just standing outside a couple of days ago would make the sweat drip down my back; I'm still getting wet outside but it feels so cool and refreshing.

Blanketflower in the rain

Blanketflower in the rain
In the star lit sky
Art Edit
 I still can't go out in the garden and work so I am practicing with and having quite the good time. Some people might complain that today is cold and dreary but I think it is absolutely wonderful, cool and refreshing; a relief from the heat. You just have to know how to make it fun. I took some delightful water dropped photos then came in and played with them.

Leaves in the rain

Leaves in rain
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