What a beautiful day. I don't know what it is about this summer but we have had the most gorgeous cloud formations. There were so many today that I finally had to get out of the car and take some photos. This is the first time since my surgery that I have done that. I pulled over to the side of the road several times to take pictures of things that I found interesting but mostly I just took the pics from inside the car. Another step in the right direction for getting back to normal. Today was a little cooler, in the lower 90's,which while still hot is still cooler than it has been. The heat has been a real deterant to getting out but this week I have had so many doctors appointments and when I add physical therapy to it most of this week I have had to make two trips out per day.
Foot doctor- had to have sore on my heel checked, I had developed a bedsore while in the hospital, which turned black and needed to be treated. It is now almost healed and the doctor trusted Tom and I to finish up the process or return if need be.
Infectious disease- this is the doctor who controls the IVIG and last week I looked so bad the nurse was a little hesitant to give me my dose. They took all kinds of blood tests and I needed to see the doctor for the results. All the tests came back just fine and the doctor now agrees with the pain doctor that my problems are from withdrawal and the surgery having been a little hard on me.
Pain doctor- This doctor decided that I needed to slow down on coming off the pain meds, take them on a regular basis, not worry about taking it as needed just take it, this is going to slow down coming off the meds, but hopefully it will help me not be so miserable. Of course this means it could take months to come of these particular pain killers. All medicines should be given on a risk vs benefits basis because there is no such thing as a medicine without side effects or at least potential ones. I would never have wanted to go through surgery recuperation without the pain killers but the upset painful insides, chills, lethargy and occasional headache from the withdrawal has been the pits.
Tomorrow I see my primary care just for a check up, but I've developed a couple of cysts that need to be checked. Maybe he'll have some ideas on how to get rid of this constant nausea, any suggestions for my friends out there would be appreciated, too.
On top of that I go to physical therapy 3 times a weeks. It's kind of exhausting me. I'm still rebuilding my strength and sitting with my knee at a 90* angle makes my knee hurt worse than any thing else and I'm doing a lot of that between driving and sitting in the doctor's offices. Not fun.
However on the way to Wal-Mart from one of the doctors I noticed a building that I see all the time and pulled over and just started taking photos from different angle and distances and I noticed what wonderful graphic quality the building and windows had. When I got home I just had to edit it to see what I could get from my photos. I edited this complete with taking out power lines. Taking out power lines that goes sideways across bricks is not easy, but I got a lot of practice cuz it went all the way across the photo, but I was quite pleased with the results even if the were not perfect. I really like the graphic effect of the bricks with the windows. The open ones and the broken ones.
ENJOY and have a good night
Johnina :^A
Stunning photo!
power lines? Wow, this is fantastic. Great job.
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